targeting always
We provide a wide range of Communications
services by combining traditional and digital PR
services by combining traditional and digital PR
A state-of-the-art application for real-time,
online publicity monitoring and reporting,
used by large companies on a daily basis…
online publicity monitoring and reporting,
used by large companies on a daily basis…
R-U Listen
A mass mailing service, with more than 1,600 recipients in the media industry.
R-U Release
A flexible tool for conducting online surveys with a great potential for parameter adjustment.
An e-voting platform with cutting-edge software and Amazon web services security certification, combined with the presentation of successful cases in Greece.
Our Clients

R-U Cases
Rights, Equality and Citizenship 2014 – 2020
“We deal with the gender pension gap. We promote gender equality at work.”
LEO PHARMA Psoriasis Campaign
Awareness Campaign for psoriasis by LEO Pharma Hellas under the auspices of the Hellenic Society of Dermatology and Venereology.