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Boosting and mainly safeguarding reputation requires education and appropriate training. R-U provides unique training programs, internationally acclaimed both in terms of content and approach. Let us show you…

Media, communication and spokesperson training for executives who will be required to represent the company or support the communications team, either in cases of crisis and incident management or by delivering speeches, etc. in internal (company) or external audiences; tailor-made programs under the responsibility of Manos Sifonios. By using this original material, you will understand the agenda of media, you will measure your “communication capabilities”, you will develop skills in rhetoric and non-verbal communication that will help you effectively manage your relations with various stakeholders.

Our services include:

  • Media Training > 1000 individuals
  • Crisis Management Training > 400 executives
  • Spokesperson Training > 120 executives
  • Simulations > 350 executives
  • Voice and Image Audit Report in collaboration with F1 Communication and VOX Institute
  • Persuasion and Rhetoric
  • Speaker Placement